Eco-spirituality in the key of Three

 We can say that “alongside revelation properly so-called, contained in sacred Scripture, there is a divine manifestation in the blaze of the sun and the fall of night”.[58] Paying attention to this manifestation, we learn to see ourselves in relation to all other creatures: “I express myself in expressing the world; in my effort to decipher the sacredness of the world, I explore my own”.[59]

In his encyclical Laudato Si (click for site) Pope Francis encourages us to embrace the environment in a “Trinitarian key.”   In order to do that we need to have a well developed relationship with the Trinity.  Having personal relatedness with the Persons of the Trinity is critical to our faith and perhaps ironically, we will rediscover what the first Christians already knew.  Hopefully we will reach the point of seeing all of creation from a Trinitarian viewpoint as Francis encourages:  “The human person grows more, matures more and is sanctified more to the extent that he or she enters into relationships, going out from themselves to live in communion with God, with other and with all creatures.  In this way they make their own that Trinitarian dynamism which God imprinted in them when they were created” (Laudato SI 240).  A page of this website is dedicated to developing this spirituality.